Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Seawall Website

Building A Seawall Website

I've put in thousands of miles of seawalls over the past 20 years and recently decided it was time to build a seawall website. The project took about a week. I read the manual, learned to use the Dreamweaver program and put together a website for my business in a little less than seven days. It wasn't a bad experience at all, though the site isn't perfect. I've accepted the website as being a work in progress. I like Dreamweaver, a software program commonly used for websites  I'd like to do more work with another program used for compiling and organizing my photos.

Unless I'm taking photos for a permit application, the camera on my phone is typically the only one I have with me at the job site. Going back with the camera to the places where I built some unique structures, such as the wooden bridge I built on the property owned by one of my customers will be great, it just takes time. The customers who know what they want are usually the ones with a clearly unique vision and this is what keeps my work interesting.

As I continue to work with the camera and photo editing I'll be able to share more photos of the various projects; both the ones done on our historic home as well as samples of those done for customers.

The current version of the website can be found at: MellottSeawalls.com.

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